Booking Information
Date and Time: Starts Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, from 18:00 – 18:45. 8 sessions with a break during the holidays.
Age: Children 5-7 years.
Group Size: 10 children per group. The group may be canceled if there are too few registrations.
Location: Leo’s Lekland in Borås, Borlänge, Eskilstuna, Göteborg, Jönköping, Karlstad, Kristianstad, Linköping, Luleå, Malmö, Stockholm, Sundsvall, Umeå, Uppsala och Västerås.
Price: 1449 SEK. The price includes a t-shirt and a water bottle.
Payment: To be made at least three weeks before the first session. Further payment details will be sent upon registration.
Booking: Booking closes one week before the start date. Email for late bookings.
Do you have any other questions about Leo’s Sport Kidz? Contact us at
What do we do each week?
Each week has a designated activity. We have 8 different activities, and week 8 concludes with a treasure hunt.
Week 1
Football: Bend it like Leo! We try out this amazingly fun sport. We’ll practice passing and work on making the perfect goal! We finish with a match with our friends.
Week 2
Gymnastics: We explore various disciplines. We practice the children’s coordination, agility, and precision. We add some fun and will even try doing it all backwards at the end.
Week 3
Floorball: We learn to handle a stick and the ability to control the ball and pass it to our friends. We practice shooting and finish with a match.
Week 4
Athletics: We try out different events. We challenge ourselves to jump in various ways, both upwards and forwards.
Week 5
Handball: We try this exciting ball sport as we test and develop our skills in throwing, passing, and dribbling. We practice scoring and finish with a few games with our friends.
Week 6
Obstacle Course: This time, we will take advantage of our fantastic playland. We create a course and make our way through it as best as we can. The day finishes with a climb all the way up the volcano.
Week 7
Cycling: We build a course and challenge the children to navigate through it without knocking over any cones. It’s a challenge that they will brilliantly tackle together. How big is my bike, and how fast can I cycle to clear the obstacle? We’ll also practice how to behave safely in traffic.
Week 8
Dance and Finale: We learn simple and fun dances to develop our coordination and motor skills. We end the final session with a treasure hunt in our beautiful playland. Leo will visit and hand out gold medals and diplomas to all the children for their excellent performance and participation in Leo’s Sport Kids.
Practical Information
- Each session lasts 45 minutes. After the session, there is free play in the playland. For the later group, you are welcome to play before the activity.
- We gather 10 minutes before the session begins.
- Our fantastic instructors take care of the children throughout the session, from warm-up to the end.
- Parents do not need to participate. Our instructor will take care of the children during each session.
- After the session, we have a small fruit break together to recharge with fresh energy.
- The children wear Leo’s t-shirt, which is handed out at the first session, comfortable pants for movement, and socks on their feet.
Our Rules
- When the whistle blows, it’s time to gather.
- Socks must always be worn.
- Always be kind to one another.
- We respect and help each other.
- No pushing or shoving.